The 100 Mile Summer

This summer, our hiking club offered a new and exciting challenge. From July 1st through September 30th, we had to hike 100 miles in our county. They laid out certain trails to make sure we had 73.8 miles before opening September’s list of trails, which would amount to a marathon (26.2 miles).

We started July 1st and hit just over 3 miles. By August 25th we had completed the first stretch and had a few days to rest before rolling into September. This year, we created a new challenge for ourselves (because, of course we did). We wanted to do the standard marathon in two days.

Our gang started with a sunrise hike up Black Mountain. This was our first sunrise hike as a party of six and the kids loved pulling out their headlamps and going out into the dark. We conquered roughly 12 miles before the skies opened up and we called it an early rain day. The next morning we started at the State Park and ended at the trail closest to our house. We obviously continued hiking throughout the month but the big push was over. We were done. It was powerful and a relief and somehow, sad. I can’t imagine how long distance backpackers feel when they complete a journey. Ours was so small, we still went home every night, and yet I felt grief.

Thus, a new idea was born. I wanted to try an overnight solo. Within 20 days and with a lot of encouragement from Derek, I did.

Every season, the Hiking Marathon hosts a festival to celebrate the completion of the marathon.


Mom’s First Solo


The Beginning